1 Thessalonians 1:3c
3 We remember before our God and Father … your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

As Christians we get our inspiration from hope in Christ! And we hang in there and tough it out in life because we know He is with us in the here-and-now and has something better waiting for us when it is all over. We 'keep on keeping on' because we measure 'abundant life' (John 10:10) with a different scale that is not all about money and possessions, power, or fame - and we derive our satisfaction and joy from knowing we are loved by the King and serve Him. Or at least this should be the case!
But those around us who don't share the same hope as we do (and even those who do) often look to be inspired by those who do have a different focus and hope and who live out and demonstrate 'that something more' and have 'that something special' in their lives. We are inspired by the Lord and His work, labor and endurance on our behalf. We can focus on Jesus, 'the pioneer and 'perfecter' of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.' (Heb.12;2).
Our organizations are full of people who endure and contribute and perform - often against the odds - and 'hope' they will get a bonus, an increase in pay, or have a chance to be promoted - or just get to keep their jobs. As managers and leaders, we are a very big part of their view of and‘'hope' for a chance and shot at something more. Not only should we find ways to honor and recognize them but we should accept the challenge to ensure our own lives are a constant (or at least consistent) hope-filled inspiration to them.
Make a conscious decision today to speak only the language of Hope! Don't be artificial or phony … and don't play-act - but rather see yourself as someone whose Hope Anchor is your best friend and Brother and that you are in Him and He is with you. This 'speaking' includes body language, tone of voice and the content of your message. Pray about your own organizational communication 'posture'. Not someone who 'endures' each day, but someone whose eyes see 'higher' up the ladder and further down the road while being someone whose feet are planted firmly in earth's reality.

"Hope is a good thing - maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."
(Tim Robbins (Andy) from the film, Shawshank Redemption)