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Happy to Share as a Guest on Your Podcast

It has become one of my highest honors, privileges and joys to share my own story and how Jesus has transformed my personal and professional life on podcasts all over the world. I try to blend His story in and through me with my own professional insights and experiences as a global consultant, coach and trainer and HR specialist - to demonstrate the power and value of Passion and Excellence in all we do as Christian leaders and managers.

Gwyn Mais Podcast

Abundantly More - with Gwyn Mais & Dave Lutes

I had the amazing privilege of interviewing Dave Lutes on the show!! He has a bio that’s more than most accomplish in two lifetimes - but the more interesting factor than all the titles and achievements, is what God has been accomplishing in his life. His story is incredible, and you won’t want to miss this interview!! Join us for a truly memorable discussion about God and what happens when you allow Him to show up!


"Thanks for coming on the show David! It was an amazing pleasure to connect with you!!" Gwyn Mais

Gwyn Mais, Abundantly More, 9-11-2023, Segment 2 (1)Artist Name
00:00 / 52:22
Brainz Magazine Cover - David Lutes

Why It's Important to Believe in Something Bigger Than Ourselves -
Exclusive interview with David Lutes

In this episode, we discover the following:


  1. Why it's important to believe in something bigger than ourselves.

  2. How to find the right fit for ourselves between our development and ability and the needs of the marketplace. 

  3. What is the most important habit we can establish within our self-leadership?

  4. Why David is of the opinion that people don't read the Bible but they read people.

Love and Leadership

Life & Leadership Connected Podcast with Guest
- David Lutes

Life & Leadership ConnectedI interview David Lutes, who is a global talent management, organizational development and leadership coach, consultant and trainer. A former church pastor, he is radically and passionately committed to helping people discover their meaning, purpose and direction for their life and career. He has been described as a 'gift and latent skill detector and developer', as he helps people and the organizations they work in discover the wealth and richness within their people.

David Lutes Podcast Interview

Developing Leaders Within The Church

Are we developing good leaders, or bad followers?


Welcome to the Pastor's Voice. I am Reuel Sample - and I am passionate about Christian worldview. I talk to Pastors and Christian leaders to encourage all believers in Jesus to live out a life of discipleship and faith. Today I start a two-part discussion with Dave Lutes - minister, church planter and master trainer in leadership development. Today we talk about how pastors through intentional discipleship can develop church members into needed leaders in the Christian community.

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