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Writer's picture: David LutesDavid Lutes

Romans 1:14-15a


14 I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. 15 That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.

Such was the magnitude of what Christ had done for him, Paul felt obliged, as a ‘delinquent debtor’ (Gr.) – but more accurately, as ‘duty bound’ to the entire world to tell them the Good News.  In a world obsessed by more choice, ‘my rights’, accumulation of stuff, dog-eat-dog and ‘winning’, the idea of giving away all that is precious to us to others is a foreign, if not distasteful, concept.  To act the same toward any and all people was well – unconditionally … is off-the-chart abnormal – in this world’s system. Especially in the West. And especially in America.


In our working lives, especially as managers and leaders, we are often expected to wear many hats … then we go home or to our families, communities or churches and put on several more.  And then there’s ‘situational leadership’, where we need to be one thing, or behave in a certain way, in one context or situation and behave differently in another.  If integrity is at our core, then both, or all, are correct. It’s expected and required and the mark of a mature manager to be able to adjust, to be flexible and adaptable – and to do so consistently. These days we call it, ‘Emotional Intelligence’. I call it being spiritually mature.


Even though we may not naturally be a Driver Commander-type, a situation may require us to be exactly that, because ‘they’ need us to be especially strong or decisive. And as uncomfortable as it may feel, you will need to ‘be that’.  We may not feel comfortable coaching or counseling a colleague or a subordinate on a personal matter (a Pastoral type), but we may need to be that kind of manager when the need arises.  And there are many more situations and ‘hats’ that can come our way. Consistently authentic. If you have built trust in your people, you can do this much more easily and effectively. Sanctified, but authentic chameleon-ism!



Lord, help me to manage and lead outside my comfort zone.  Help me to be what different people need me to be, without being phony, without being hypocritical, and with a sincere appreciation of my own inadequacies.  Any prejudice or discrimination in my heart, root it out!  Increase my eagerness to share your life with others through my position and with a servant heart.


“When we are securely rooted in personal intimacy with the source of life (God), it will be possible to remain flexible without being relativistic, convinced without being rigid, willing to confront without being offensive, gentle and forgiving without being soft, and true witnesses without being manipulative.” (Henri J.M. Nouwen)

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