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Writer's picture: David LutesDavid Lutes

1 Thessalonians 2:6

6 We were not looking for praise from people, not from you or anyone else, even though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority.

Humble is not wimpy. Meekness is not weakness. “Moses was a very humble man, humbler than anyone else on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12v3) It is possible to lead, inspire, motivate, transform, envision, and empower those around us to succeed – help even whole organizations to prosper – with a heart 'posture' and managerial style that doesn't need to parade self-importance.

‘Pushing others up’, finding ways to achieve and perform through and in collaboration with others, developing talent, who then help others to lock on to, look beyond and climb over their horizons, is praise enough. As leaders and managers, we can use the authority card…and sometimes, for the good of others and for the sake of the bigger picture, we need to discipline, make the tough call or decision and allow the buck to stop firmly on our desk.

But our calling is not to laud it over others or to dictate from on high or to create a culture of command and control. Even though the title we have, or the rank we may aspire to, have the trappings of power, authority, or privilege…

…and even though we (with pure motives) seek a higher position because we know from that place, we can do more good…

…and even though the world’s and the organization’s definition of ‘authority’ assumes this means exerting or wielding power and influence over others…

…even if this true, the servant heart is still possible and desirable as the foundation of ‘smart business’. We may still have our 15 minutes of ‘fame’ in the spotlight, but the hope is that the light seen by others will be the reflected Glory from Him and to Him. We must decrease and He must increase.


Lord, help me discover within me, the secret, latent power of truly serving others. You came to serve and not to be served and the only time you got lifted up was on the Cross. Oh God, this is not an easy lesson to learn…. but please take me slowly and surely toward this goal.

“Good leaders must first learn to become good servants.”

(Greenleaf – The Power of Servant Leadership)

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