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Writer's picture: David LutesDavid Lutes

1 Thessalonians 2v2a

2 We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition.

Just a quick reminder, we don’t need to be preaching a Bible sermon to be ‘telling’ others the Gospel – because we can do it with our lives! Who we are and how we live out our faith IS the Gospel to those around us.  Christians are (or should be) a “sweet smell in a stinky world” (Timmy Smith, age 11).

And even though we try to honor and ‘display’ God with our life and management or leadership style, not everyone will like what they see and hear. This is not just because we are human and naturally inclined to mess things up (i.e. be imperfect) which is, therefore, obvious to those around us. But it is also because, generally, human, sinful nature resists or even opposes God when others live in the light and in the truth – while (without obligation to Him), they still want the good stuff that comes with the ‘God Package’.  Some people don’t even know why they resist or oppose God or the life and light that visit them subtly and doggedly.

Perhaps the idea that they need to be completely dependent on Him to save them, and that they can’t save themselves, or that their best efforts and good deeds fall short of God’s perfect requirements kills their boast.  Or the idea that only the perfect life and death of someone else (Jesus) on their behalf goes against self-reliant pride and the need to control life or threatens their power base…lots of reasons.

Maybe they simply cannot accept that Someone loves them that much…and unworthiness makes them run and hide. Theirs and our list of reasons can be long and subtle and as leaders and managers we will do well to recognize the signs when we are resisting Him also…and trust in Him that others will see what they seek in us…however subtle.  But we will need special grace as leaders when we are called to suffer for truth and right and when the world is watching.


Lord, I resolve, by your grace, with your help and only by your power - and not mine – to not only ‘smell’ better to those I work with, but to be the right ‘odor’ in the right situation.  Sweet to some, sour to others…but always authentic and true to myself and to You.

“A (good) leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but (to where they) ought to be (and has their trust while s/he does so).” 

(Rosalynn Carter; David Lutes)

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