1 Thessalonians 1:5b
You know how we lived among you for your sake.

Paul exemplified 'walking the talk'! He never asked people to go where he wasn't prepared to go himself first. He epitomized the hands-on, rolled-up sleeves style of management … and he expected his colleagues, his team that he had gathered around him ("how we lived..."), to do the same. Even though he was a spiritual giant with the rank of Apostle and a member of the Executive Committee or Board, he never hesitated to get his hands dirty and bloody for the sake of those he served. This way they could never put him on a pedestal, never inappropriately put their faith in him - and never accuse him of exploiting them for personal gain.
He was a leader 'among' them, a man who made time for, and a man of the people - which is always tricky when you also need to dish out discipline and correction sometimes. But the people saw his consistent, transparent, and loving leadership lifestyle and no doubt trusted and respected him regardless of the different leadership and management 'hats' he needed to wear. We know that we sometimes need to 'be' what the situation calls for us to be - even if we don't feel comfortable doing it … mature leaders have to do this sometimes. Embracing the call to be shaped by God in order to walk whatever walk is needed can be a game-changer for us and for those we lead and serve in our organizations and in our lives.
Lord, help me to see the ways I hide my authentic self...but help the sincere and genuine within me to shine through...consistently, today.

Sports club owner interviewing possible new coach.
Owner: "Tell me what your management style is."
Coach: "It depends on who I have on my team."