Weekly Devotions
Management and Leadership Lessons
from Great and Flawed People in the Bible
These weekly devotionals are geared to helping, challenging and inspiring Christian leaders and managers - whether in secular employment or in a faith-based organization, to apply and live out His word in life and work contexts. The goal is to provide short but impactful insights into Bible truth while weaving into the commentary ethical, practical and best-practice management and leadership practices found in the leading - 'best' - organizations in the world today. 'Best' equals those organizations, who are ethical, honorable, with credentials of integrity and servant leadership - but who also appreciate that right and honorable is also 'Smart Business - Smart Management and Leadership'. The ultimate goal is 'build you and others up in their most holy faith'. These devotions are about being an Authentic Christian Management and Leader.
The Prayer Action section is particularly important - take note - commit to DOING during the week ahead!
Don’t just listen to or read God’s word. You must do what it says - you need to act on it. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourself. For if you listen to and read the word and don’t obey it, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law, the active and living word of God, that sets you - and others - free. And if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard or read, then God will bless you - and many others - for doing it.
(James 1:22-25 - paraphrased from New Living Translation)
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Under New Management Group LLC
Registered in State of Missouri - LC014441207
1322 Black Bear Drive, Wentzville, Missouri, 63385, USA
Location: UCT/GMT-5 / USA CST