To find God's and your purpose, meaning and direction for your career and life.
To discover YOUR gifting, calling and mission.
To discover who you truly are and become the
'Authentic YOU in Christ'.
To 'Fail Forward in Faith' in the spirit of learning, growth, creativity and innovation.
To 'Succeed Upward' in the spirit of humility and Servant Leadership.
Our Mission and Purpose
Through skilled and authentic leaders like yourself, we aspire along with you and all believers, to fulfill our calling to help put people and the world back together again. We seek to be part of restoring the image of God in our immediate 'worlds' outside of our homes and churches - and in our places of work. Our purpose is to use all our God-given and learned skills and gifting …
“...for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God…”
To grow into spiritual, emotional, mental, relational wholeness and maturity - to be His loving and powerful presence in the world." (Ephesians 4;12-13 paraphrased)
To help the Church leave the building and be relevant, real, and powerfully loving - out there!
We support leaders and their teams to build trust and create caring, compassionate cultures through personal and team coaching, consulting, forums, training, preaching and public presentations.

Under New Management Group LLC
Registered in State of Missouri - LC014441207
1322 Black Bear Drive, Wentzville, Missouri, 63385, USA
Location: UCT/GMT-5 / USA CST